Ugotavljam, da so nekateri moji sošolci na trenutke napeti, razdražljivi, da komaj čakajo, konec pouka, ko lahko »čekirajo« kaj je novega na socialnih omrežjih. Zaradi vsakodnevnih opažanj, me je zanimalo kaj pravijo o tem, da so moji vrstniki bili zasvojeni s telefoni in kaj so o tem v svetu že raziskali. Z raziskavo sem želela izvedeti, kakšen učinek imajo različne oblike elektromagnetnega valovanja na ljudi – tako psihične, kot fizične. Še bolj pa me je zanimalo, zakaj so mladostniki zasvojeni s telefoni, kakšne so lahko posledice in kako zmanjšati zasvojenost- tako z vzgojo, prvim stikom, kot v nadaljevanju.
Zaključki kratke ankete med osnovnošolci in izsledki iz literature kažejo podobno. Učenci, kot kdaj tudi njihovi starši, se ne zavedajo, da uporaba telefonov v različne namene, predvsem pa igranje igric, pri njih v relativno kratkem času uporabe teh sredstev povzroči neke vrste odvisnost, v večini primerov ne gre za neposredne trajne poškodbe ali celo smrti.
Ključne besede: osnovnošolci, telefon, elektromagnetno valovanje
When I walk through the school corridor, go to the bathroom,… – everywhere, although there should not be, there are students with phones. A similar story is happening in the afternoons. I notice that some of my classmates are at times tense, irritable and can hardly wait for the end of the lesson, so they can check what’s new on the social networks. Because of my everyday observations, I was interested in what they have to say about the fact that they may be addicted to phones and what about that was already explored in the world. With this research I wanted to find out what effects different forms of electromagnetic radiation have on people – both mental and physical. Even more I wondered why yunger generations are addicted to phones, what may be the consequences and how to reduce that addiction – with education, first contact with phones and later on.
My conclusions of the short survey among school children and findings from the literature suggest similar things. Students and their parents are not aware that the use of phones and the variety of applications thei offer, especially games in a relatively short period of use causes a kind of addiction, in most cases can even cause permanent damage. |