Že sama beseda fizika nam pove, da je veda, ki je povezana z naravo, procesi in delovanjem v naravi. Fizika je temelj vseh naravoslovnih znanosti, ki se je razvila iz proučevanja narave in so jo do okoli konca 19. st. imenovali filozofija narave. Raziskovalna naloga je razdeljena na dva dela. Na teoretični in raziskovalni del. V teoretičnem delu sem razložila nihanje in resonanco in njun vpliv. Teoretični del sem uporabila za lažje razumevanje vzrokov za zrušitev in za kasnejšo primerjavo. V raziskovalnem delu sem uporabila 3 primere mostov. Izbrala sem si prav te mostove zato, ker sem lahko na najboljši način primerjala med sabo. Za primere sem vzela dva mosta, ki imata enak nosilni sistem in enak namen samo, da sta bila zgrajena v različnem časovnem obdobju in iz drugačnih materialov, tretji most pa je imel drugačen namen nosilni sistem in material. S tem sem lahko primerjala kako material, nosilni sistem in namen vplivata na mostove. Posebnost Millenium mosta je ta, da se ni zrušil in sem ga izbrala prav zato, ker sem hotela pokazati, da če takoj ukrepamo lahko preprečimo zrušitve. Moja največja ugotovitev je bila ta, da čeprav nihanje in resonanca vplivata na mostove se ne bodo zrušili če so pravilno zgrajeni. V teoretičnem delu sem se naučila o nihanju ampak če prenesemo nihanje v resnične situacije ugotovimo, da je še veliko drugih dejavnikov,kot so ne vzdrževanje mostov, vremenski pogoji, nepravilna gradnja, itn, ki vplivajo na nihanje.
Ključne besede: resonanca, nihanje, mostovi.
Physics (Ancient Greek: phusik (epistemes me) – knowledge of the nature)
The mere word physics tells us that it is a science that is related to the nature, processes and activities in nature. Physics is the foundation of all natural sciences, which was developed from the study of nature and was called philosophy of natur up to about the 19th St. This research project is divided in two parts, theoretical and research part. In theoretical part I explained oscillations, resonance and their influence . I used theoretical part for easier understanding of the causes for the collapse and the comparison of collapses. In the research I used three examples of bridges. I chose precisely these bridges because I could do a best comparision to each other. For example, I compared two bridges, which have the same carrier system and the same purpose, only that they were built at different time and from different materials. The third bridge has a different purpose, carrier system and material. With this I can compare how the material, carrier system and purpose affect bridges. Millenium bridge is different from other two because it has never collapsed. I chose it because I wanted to show, that if we take immediate action, we can prevent crashes. My biggest finding was that although vibrations and resonance have effect on the bridges. They will not collapse, if they are properly constructed. In the theoretical part I learned about oscillations. If we observe oscillation in the real situation, we find that there is so many other factors, such as dismaintained bridges, weather conditions, improper construction, etc., which have an impact on oscillation.
Key words: resonance, bridges, oscillation. |