Besedoslovje poklicev v Zasavju

Rudarstvo je gospodarska panoga, ki se ukvarja z izkoriščanjem rudnih bogastev. V preteklosti je bil to pomemben poklic in vir zaslužka predvsem za revne. Značilnost rudarjev je bila predvsem njihova obleka, ki so jo sestavljale črne hlače in suknjič, črna kapa in bele rokavice. Posebnost je 28 zlatih gumbov na suknjiču, ki naj bi predstavljali starost njihove zavetnice, svete Barbare, ko je umrla.
V Sloveniji so prevladovali manjši rudniki, kot so rudnik živega srebra v Idriji in rudnik svinca in cinka v Mežici. Seveda pa pri prevladujočih nahajališčih ne smemo izpustiti nahajališča premoga, ki ga je največ v območju Trbovelj, Hrastnika ter v Zagorju. Poleg tega, da so rudarji v rudnikih trdo garali, pa se je skozi leta tudi oblikoval njihov žargon, torej rudarski jezik.
V raziskovalni nalogi sem se predvsem osredotočila na jezik rudarjev, saj se mi je zdi, da se dandanes zelo izgublja, predvsem me je zanimalo tudi kakšne so razlike v poznavanju rudarstva in rudarskih besed med mladimi in starimi. V ta namen sem izvedla anketo, ki mi je pokazala rezultate. Prav tako sem se obrnila na dva starejša gospoda, rudarja v pokoju, da sta mi povedala kaj več o njunih življenjih. Izvor besed pa je prav tako pomemben za razvoj in ohranjanje jezika, zato me je tudi zanimalo iz kje izvirajo besede.

Ključne besede: rudarstvo, rudarske besede, življenje v rudniku .

Mining industry is the economic branch that deals with the exploitation of mineral resources. In the past this was an important profession and source of income especially for the poor people. The characteristic of the miners was, above all, their dress which was consisted of black pants and jacket, black cap and white gloves. A special feature is the 28 gold buttons on the jacket which are representing the age of their patroness saint Barbara when she died.
In Slovenia the majority of smaller mines, such as mine of mercury in Idrija and the mine of lead and zinc in Mežica. Of course, in the prevailing deposits should not be omitted deposits of coal, which is the highest number in the range of Trbovlje, Hrastnik and Zagorje. In addition to the miners they worked hard in the mines, but through the years they also developed their jargon – the mining language.
In the research thesis, I mainly focused on the language of the miners because to me it seems that nowadays in losing, mainly I wanted to know if there are any differences in the knowledge of mining and the mining words between young and elder people. For this purpose i have conducted a survey, which has shown me results. I also turned to two older mans who were miners, that they told me anything more about their lives. The origin of the words is also important for the development and preservation of the language, so I was also interested where the words come from.

Key words: mining industry, minor’s words, life in mine.

Avtorica: Polona Majdič
Mentorica: mag. Maruša Stoklasa Drečnik
Šola: Gimnazija in ekonomska srednja šola Trbovlje
Področje raziskovanja; SŠ slovenščina
