V nalogi so opisani dejavniki, ki vplivajo na prekomerno pridobivanje telesne mase ter posledice nezadostnega gibanja. V navedbah navajam, kakšna je zdrava prehrana, kaj zdrava prehrana pravzaprav je ter kaj vsebuje. Opisano je tudi, zakaj se število ljudi z debelostjo veča ter na katerih področjih je debelost najbolj razširjenja. Na začetku je poudarek še na tem, kakšen je pomen počitka, zakaj je potreben ter zakaj nam premalo spanca oz. počitka škodi. Opišem, zakaj brez gibanja ni življenja in kaj je debelost. V besedilu sem navedla tudi trditve, ki podpirajo mojo anketo in raziskave. V raziskavi sem ugotovila, da se debelost v Sloveniji in po svetu vedno bolj širi, predvsem med mladimi. Raziskavo sem podprla še z anketo učencev 2. in 3. triade.
The work describes what causes gaining body mass and the consequences of inadequate of movement. In the work we can also see what healthy food is and what is included in it. It is also described why the number of overweight people is increasing and in what areas around the world overweightness is most expanded. In the beginning the emphasis is on resting and why it is important, why it can harm us if we don’t get enough sleep or rest. I describe why there is no life without movement and what overweight is. In the individual paragraphs we can notice, that all the claims are backed up by a poll and my research. In the research, I discovered, that overweightness in Slovenia and around the world is spreading more and more, especially between young people. My research was backed by a poll, which was answered by the second and third triad of students.