Krvni sladkor

V raziskovalni nalogi sem predstavila sladkorno bolezen. Najprej sem raziskala nekaj podrobnosti, kot so , kakšne tipe sladkorne bolezni poznamo, kako se lahko zdravimo ali kako živeti, če to bolezen imaš. Za dosego tega sem uporabila internet in literaturo ter opravila tri intervjuje. Pri eksperimentnem delu sem naredila seznam hrane, ki so jo poizkusile tri različne osebe. Osebe so bile različnih starosti in imajo različne načine življenja. Prva oseba ima sladkorno bolezen tipa1 in je odvisna od insulina. Druga oseba ima sladkorno bolezen tipa2 in jemlje tabletke. Zadnja oseba je zdrava in ne jemlje zdravil. Živila, ki sem jih uporabila so: kuhan in surov korenček, čokolada, bel kruh in jabolka. Sledil je zapis hipotez, izvedba raziskovanj in zapis ter primerjava rezultatov. Te hipoteze govorijo, koliko se bo sladkor zvišal in o nekaj teoretičnih dejstvih. Spoznali boste namen, ki se delno skriva tudi v uvodu, ampak to niso vsi razlogi. Hkrati boste lahko videli intervjuje, ki sem jih opravila z dekleti, ki se vsak dan srečujejo s sladkorno boleznijo in jo dobro poznajo. Za to nalogo sem se odločila, ker imam rada biologijo, ter rada raziskujem o boleznih, drugi razlog pa je, da ko bom odrasla, hočem postati zdravnica.

Ključne besede: sladkor, insulin, sladkorna bolezen tip 1, sladkorna bolezen tip 2

The first person has type 1 diabetes and is dependent on insulin. The second one has type 2 diabetes and has to take pills. The last one is healthy and does not need to take any medication. Some of the foods I used are: cooked and raw carrots, chocolate, white bread and apples. I wrote my hypothesis and predictions. When I did all this, I made all the experiments and recorded the results by means of graphs and tables. I compared the results and found out the differences. I decided to participate in this assignment because I like biology and I like to research the diseases. Another reason is that when I grow up, I want to become a doctor. Of course, you will be able to see my predictions or hypothesis which I have put before the start of the survey. These hypothesis define how much sugar will rise and some theoretical facts. You will also learn about the purpose which is partly hidden in the introduction, but of course not all of the reasons. At the same time, you will be able to read three interviews implemented with three girls facing daily with diabetes and being well aware of it.

Key words: sugar, insulin, graphs, interview, literature and diabetes.

Avtorica: Sara Oblak
Mentorica: Ljudmila Gornik
Šola: Osnovna šola narodnega heroja Rajka Hrastnik
Področje raziskovanja: OŠ biologija
