S to raziskovalno nalogo smo poskušali ugotoviti, če se mladi zavedajo, da bodo viri energije, ki jih poznamo, počasi izčrpani. Pojavlja se nov vir energije – fuzija. Ker v srednješolskih učbenikih za fiziko fuzija ni posebej omenjena, smo naredili učno enoto o tem področju. Hkrati smo izvedli anketo med dijaki programa zdravstvene nege, da potrdimo svoje domneve.
Ključne besede: viri energije, fuzija, fizika, učna enota, anketa.
With this research paper we tried to get information about how much young people are actually aware that the sources of energy we know now will slowly run out. There is a new energy resource – fusion. Because fusion isn’t specifically mentioned in the secondary school textbooks for physics, we have made a teaching unit about this field. At the same time we conducted a survey among students of the secondary school of nursing to confirm our hypothesis.
Key words: sources of energy, fusion, physics, teaching unit, survey. |