Motnje hranjenja

V raziskovalni nalogi bomo predstavile pomembno temo, ki predstavlja velik del najstniških težav – motnje hranjenja. Obstaja več vrst motenj hranjenja, to so: anoreksija, bulimija, ortoreksija … Z njimi se srečujejo prav vsi. Zato smo želeli ugotoviti, koliko o tej problematiki vedo učenci naše šole. Sestavile smo anketo, v kateri učence sprašujemo o psihičnih in fizičnih znakih motenj hranjenja, o tem, kako se počutijo v svojem telesu in koliko obrokov pojedo. Na spletu in v literaturi smo raziskale o splošno znanih dejstvih, ki veljajo za motnje hranjenja. Zanimalo nas je tudi, katere znane osebe trpijo za temi motnjami. Hkrati pa smo poiskale tudi knjige, ki govorijo o tej problematiki in presenečene smo bilenad obsežnim gradivom o obravnavani temi. Najbolj nam je bila v pomoč knjiga Ne kaj ješ – kaj te žene, da ješ; avtorja Beechyja Colclougha. V njej je veliko zanimivih podatkov in izpovedi oseb, ki trpijo (so trpele) za motnjami hranjenja.

Ključne besede: motnje hranjenja, anoreksija, bulimija, anketa, psihologija, najstniški problemi.

In this research project, we will present you the very important issues of today’s world – eating disorders. There are several types of eating disorders in the world: anorexia, bulimia, orthorexia, … In Slovenia, we know little about the disorders. However, there are more and more people of all generations facing them. That’s why we wanted to find out how many students of our school are aware of this issue. We made a survey in which students are asked about psychological and physical signs of eating disorders, how they feel in their body and how many meals they eat. At the same time, we have explored on the Internet and in the literature the generally known facts that are considered to be eating disorders. We also wanted to know which famous people are suffering from these disorders. We also looked for books that talk about this issue, and we were surprised how many we found. The one that helped us the most is the book It’s Not What You Eat, It’s Why You Eat It; author Beechy Colclough. It contains a lot of interesting data and statements from people who suffer from eating disorders.

Key words: eating disorders, anorexia, bulimia, survey, psychology, teenage problems.

Avtorice: Sara Oblak, Dominika Zupan, Nika Majes
Mentorici: Ljudmila Gornik in Edina Gerzić
Šola: OŠ NHR Hrastnik
Področje raziskovanja: OŠ psihologija
