Gorski hrbet se vleče od Trojan, preko Čemšeniške planine, Javorja do Mrzlice. Ker se v zahodnem delu tega hrbta pojavljajo opuščeni rudniki, katerih posledica je kemijsko onesnaženje površinskih voda, obstaja možnost, da ta celoten hrbet vsebuje arzen in antimon. Zato je možnost onesnaženja ne samo v zahodnem, ampak tudi v centralnem delu, to je v porečju Trboveljščice.
Vrednosti arzena in antimona naj bi kar precej presegale mejno vrednost v Kotredeščici, vzrok pa naj bi bil predvsem zaprt, vendar nikdar saniran antimonov rudnik Trojane – Znojile, ki se nahaja nad izvirom potoka.
V raziskovalni nalogi sem potrebovala dva vzorca vode iz vsakega potoka. Nadaljnje analize so pokazale, da se arzen in antimon nahajata v potokih. Ugotovila pa sem, da vrednosti niti enega, niti drugega niso blizu mejne vrednosti, kaj šele, da bi jo presegle v obeh preučevanih potokih. Opazim lahko, da rudnik ima vpliv na Kotredeščico vsaj v zgornjem toku, saj so tu vrednosti antimona najvišje.
Zaključim torej lahko, da rudnik nima vpliva na Trboveljščico. Očitno izviri nimajo stika z antimonom. Prav tako sem pokazala, da med potokoma ni povezave in da je voda, glede arzena in antimona, nesporna in v okviru vseh mejnih vrednosti.
Ključne besede: arzen, antimon, Kotredeščica, Trboveljščica, vrednost.
Mountain ridge spreads all the way from Trojane, over Čemšeniška planina, Javor until Mrzlica. Because in the western part of this ridge appear deserted mines, which cause chemical contamination of surface waters, there is a possibility that the entire ridle contains arsen and antimony. Therefore, the possibility of contamination is not only in the western but also in the central part, in the valley of Trboveljščica.
Values of arsen and antimony are said to be quite above the limit in Kotredeščica. The cause is mostly closed antimony mine Trojane – Znojile which has never been sanitized and is located right above the source of the stream.
In my research I needed two samples of water from each stream, Further analyzes showed that arsen and antimony are located in both streams. I found out that the value of one or another is not even close to the limit. The mine has an impact on Kotredeščica, at least in its upper flow because there are values of antimony the highest.
The result is that the mine has no effect on Trboveljščica. Apparently sources have no contact with antimony. I’ve also shown there is no connection between these two streames. The water is obviously, according to arsen and antimony, undisputed and within all limits.
Key words: arsen, antimony, Kotredeščica, Trboveljščica, value. |