Alkohol in mladi
Etanol se je že v prazgodovini uporabljal kot opojna sestavina v alkoholnih pijačah. Alkoholne pijače so postale nekakšen spremljevalec vseh zabav, druženj, praznovanj, saj jih ljudje povezujejo z občutkom sprostitve. Glavni nameni raziskave so bili, da ugotovimo stališče mladostnikov do alkoholnih pijač ter na modelu (Daphnia pulex – navadna vodna bolha) dokažemo vpliv etanola na srčni utrip vodne bolhe. Vodne bolhe smo opazovali pod mikroskopom in jim šteli srčni utrip. Testirane alkoholne pijače so bile pivo, vino, džin ter alkopops (džin tonik). Občutljivost vodne bolhe na etanol je zelo visoka.
Na podlagi rezultatov smo ugotovili, da veliko mladostnikov prične z uživanjem alkoholnih pijač pred dopolnjenim 18. letom, da so alkoholne pijače med mladimi zelo razširjene. Ugotovili smo tudi, da etanol v nizkih koncentracijah deluje kot stiulans na srčni utrip vodnih bolh, v visokih koncentraijah pa povzroča akutno toksičnost. Preučevali smo tudi kombinacijo alkoholne pijače in brezalkoholne pijače z vsebnosto tavrina. Ugotovili smo, da je kombinacija gina in tonica za vodne bolhe toksična.
Ethanol has been used in prehistoric times as an intoxicating ingredient in alcoholic beverages. Alcoholic beverages have become a kind of accompaniment to all parties, gatherings, celebrations, as people associate them with a sense of relaxation. The main purposes of the study were to determine the attitude of adolescents to alcoholic beverages and to demonstrate the effect of ethanol on the heart rate of water fleas in a model (Daphnia pulex – common water flea). Water fleas were observed under a microscope and their heart rate was counted. The alcoholic beverages tested were beer, wine, gin and alcopops (gin and tonic). The sensitivity of water fleas to ethanol is very high.
Based on the results, we found that many adolescents start consuming alcoholic beverages before the age of 18, that alcoholic beverages are very common among young people. We also found that ethanol at low concentrations acts as a stimulant to the heartbeat of water fleas, and at high concentrations causes acute toxicity. We also studied the combination of an alcoholic beverage and a non-alcoholic beverage with a taurine content. We found that the combination of gin and flea tonic is toxic.