Raziskovalna naloga v izhodišče postavlja šolske torbe – natančneje, njihovo maso. Zanimalo nas je, ali je ta res prekomerna oziroma večja od priporočenih standardov. Ugotavljali smo tudi, kaj prekomerno maso povzroča in preverjali seznanjenost ljudi s priporočili in možnimi zdravstvenimi posledicami.
K raziskavi smo najprej pristopili teoretično in skušali pridobiti čim več informacij – intervjuvali smo šolsko zdravnico, opravili anketo med učenci, učitelji in starši ter poiskali in preučili literaturo z obravnavanega področja. V praktičnem delu raziskave pa smo preverili maso sodelujočih učencev ter njihovih praznih in polnih šolskih torb. Pri tem nas je zanimala tudi sama vsebina torb – morebitne odvečne potrebščine v njih. Meritve smo v želji po čim bolj natančnih rezultatih ponovili štirikrat zaporedoma (v različnih dnevih tedna). Pridobljene informacije in rezultate smo analizirali in ugotovitve podali v raziskovalni nalogi.
Ključne besede: masa šolskih torbic, odvečne potrebščine , masa učenca , zdravstveni zapleti , priporočila
The study deals with pupils’ school bags i. e. their weight. We would like to determine if their weight was really too high according to the recommended standards. Additionaly, we found out what caused the excessive weight and how well the people were informed of the standards and possible health problems.
In the beginning we started theoretically and tried to obtain as many information as possible – we interviewed our school dentist, our pupils, teachers and parents and we found and examined the literaure regarding the above mentioned field. In the practical part of our study we verified the weight of the pupils participated as well as the weight of their empty and full schoolbags. We were interested in the contents of their schoolbags – eventual unnecessary requisites. Due to the fact that we wished to obtain as accurate measurements as possible the stated measurements were repeated four times (on different week days). We analyzed the obtained results and information as well as we specified all findings in the present study.
Key words: weight of the school bags , unnecessary requisites, pupil’s weight, health problems, recommendations/standards |
Avtorji: Brglez Živa, Klemen Kačič, Nina-Lana Vidmar
Mentorici: Ljudmila Gornik, Jasmina Štolfa
Šola: Osnovna šola narodnega heroja Rajka, Hrastnik
Področje raziskovanja: OŠ biologija